50% off and Free Shipping on all orders!


How long will my order take to arrive?

Orders are processed and prepared to be shipped within 2-5 business days. Delivery times may take 1-4 weeks from the time of purchase to shipping your order worldwide unless is specified in the product description. Sometimes we have special sales with priority shipping e.g. 5-10 days shipping. Shipping times can be found in the product description too.

How does shipping work?

Kitchen Online Gadgets works with global merchants and handmade artisans in order to provide you the best prices and the most awesome products. This means that your order is shipped from all over the world.

Because we ship directly from our partners in these countries, your item may take 1-4 weeks to arrive. If you buy different items it is probably you will receive more than one package.

Please do not worry if it does not show up immediately. And yes, we do provided tracking number.

How can I return an item?

We refer you to our Return Policy HERE kitchenonlinegadgets.com/Refund-Policy If you need further assistance, please send us an email at contact@kitchenonlinegadgets.com

How long will it take for you to reply to my message?

We do our best to respond to inquiries within 1-3 hours, but please allow up to 24 hrs -- especially on weekends or holidays.